
Book Review: Llama Llama Red Pajama 拉瑪故事系列

Baby Llamma was tugged in bed and Mama Llama turned the lights off. Was Baby Llama asleep yet? Not yet! Baby Llama wanted a drink. But Mama was busy washing dishes and talking on the phone. Baby Llama went from whimpering to hollering. Llama drama was not going to stop until Mama Llama came to set things straight!

I found this heart-warming llama book on the catalog when my students were placing their orders from Scholastics every month. It is a cute story to help young chlildren face bedtime fear. I read this book to my son when he was 2 years old, getting ready to switch from crib to the big boy bed. He loved this story and asked for a cup of water before bed ever since...But I was surprised how he grew to love his new bed and sleep independently in such a short time!

Another llama book I found was at our school book fair. Mama Llama gets Llama Llama ready for his first day of preschool. Say hi to the teacher. Look at the toys. Everything was new and everyone was new. It was too much for Llama Llama when Mama Llama had to leave! Is Mama Llama ever going to come back? Of course! And the other children showed Llama Llama how fun a school day can be!

This is a great book to prepare little ones for the first day of school. The rhyming story is fun to read and there are many colorful characters in the illustration to catch the young reader's eye. It eases children's  mind about the uncertainty of a new school and encourages them to talk about their feelings.

The third Llama book tells a story which probably every parent has experienced! Have you even seen little ones throwing tantrums at a store? Screaming, crying, throwing things, lying on the ground, dragging Mommy's pants, begging for what they want...Yes, it's the kind of public embarrassment only parents will understand and pity!

Llama Llama doesn't like to shop with Mama Llama. But shopping needs to be done and Mama Llama can't leave Llama at home alone. Lots of aisles, busy shoppers, and long lines at Shop-O-Rama, before Mama Llama could notice, Llama Llama was getting very MAD! Mama Llama quickly calmed him down and cleaned everything up. Now Mama Llama will make shopping more fun for Llama Llama.

Enjoy this book with your young ones! You can also alk about how to make shopping easier and more fun for the both of you!

我實在太喜歡這三本llama的書了! 為了llama 的中文譯名,我還意外在網上資料裡學到了「美洲駝 llama」,「駱馬vicuna」和「羊駝/草泥馬 Alpaca」的分別呢!!

找了好一會兒才找到中英雙語版本的拉瑪故事系列,剛好是我有的那三本故事集合成一套販售。由封面圖片看來是由內地出版社做的翻譯(簡體字),把llama音譯為拉瑪,保留了英語原著裡押韻的趣味,所以我也跟著用了!  雙語版本在英文原著的部分標示了漢語拼音,更方便以中文為母語的孩子們閱讀。原著在美國很受歡迎喔! 一些周邊商品也開始熱賣了! 下面這是我找到中英雙語版的Amazon網站連結,有興趣可以參考一下,不知道在台灣的書店或網上買不買的到!
Mandarin bilingual version of the books:

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