我實在是厭倦了換工作,也彷徨不知道自己可以做什麼。在我們家老爺建議之下,我開始了小學教師訓練課程。繳了很多學費,通過無數的考試,上課,觀摩和實習,兩年之後,我拿到了第一階段的雙語教師證照。很幸運的開始教書之後,開始了教師後期的訓練,每週要參加workshops,寫報告,做學生case study,還要被校長和資深老師評估審核,再度歷時兩年之後,我終於拿到了合格的雙語教師證照。緊接而來的卻是加州政府教育經費縮減,像我這樣資淺的老師,每年都有被辭退的危機。
想當個老師不簡單吧! 上星期在LA Times看到一則新聞,一位女性科任老師被國中學生舉報,在情色電影裡看到老師多年之前的演出。其他老師在手機上略查之後通報學區,這名老師被督學指為"瓦解學校制度",在詳盡調查開始前即被開除。我不禁在想,這位老師走過什麼樣的求職路?是個好老師嗎?在課堂上是否有不得體的行為?想不想繼續教育英才?在被開除之前有為自己說話嗎?
Few people know about how I become a teacher in the U.S.
In 1999, with the limited amount of money I had for tuition, I enrolled myself in a one year certificate program at UCLA Extension, majoring in hotel management as an international student. Why hotel managment? It all started when I was a sophomore in college. I taught ESL classes after school and made a decent amount of money. I also worked as a server two nights a week in a restaurant at Grand Hyatt Taipei. The hourly pay was minimum but the job made quite an impression on me. It was all about the things I love - meeting people, gourmet food, and a luxurious environment.
However, after I moved from Taipei to LA, the counselor at UCLA extension informed me the hotel managment program had been cancelled. I could either transfer to another program, or lose my student visa and go back to Taiwan. Well, I wasn't ready to pack up and go home yet. So one year later, I finished the certificate program as a business major. Looking for a job with an OPT status was not easy. (OPT means you can earn minimum wage and be a tax payer as an alien for one year.) Plus the big guy and I were planning to get married, hotel jobs were out of the question since the hours were too crazy.
My first job was an admin assistant in a small health product company. All I did was typing. My second job was an assistant manager at Pxxxx Inn. ( Yes, it's the famous Chinese restaurant with the black and white animal logo.) The HR staff made me drive 120 miles everyday for two weeks for the initial training. My third job was at an insurance company. I prepared about 5 quotes per day. My fourth job was a marketing assistant at a Chinese radio station. I got to co-host a radio show introducing local restaurants on Saturday mornings. After I spent weeks writing proposals and contacting Universal Studio, I got 90 promotional tickets for free. My manager told me I did too good of a job as the new gal. No one in the company should know about this.
My fifth job was at an international health product company Hxxxxxlife. I answered 200 calls from distributors per day. The average calls my colleagues answered were 60. I was the most junior staff chosen to work at the world wide distributor convention in New Orleans. After working there for a year, my manager asked me "Do you feel that you have a langauge barrier? A week ago you transferred a call to your supervisor and he couldn't understand what you explained to him."
I was fed up with job hopping and didn't know what I really wanted to do. My big guy suggested that I should look into teaching again. So I decided to give it a shot, thinking I can become a teacher after a year or two. Well, that was not the case.
Here are what I went through to become a bilingual teacher in California. From step 1 to 10, the long journey took me four whole years!
2. Take more than 60 units worth of classes.
3. Do more than 30 hours worth of classroom observation.
4. Pass CSET. (It's a test about your general knowledge regarding all elementary subjects.)
5. Pass RICA. (It's about how to teach reading.)
6. Take CSET for second language teaching. (In my case: reading, writing, and listening in Mandarin)
7. Be assigned to two different grade levels for student teaching. ( You follow your master teachers and do whatever they ask you to do. They get to write a final review about your performance.)
8. You get your preliminary credential. Find a full time job ASAP at this point. Or your credential will be cancelled after 5 years. (Like getting a teaching job is so easy!)
9. Pass BTSA program. (It's a two year probationary program after you become a full time teacher - workshops, projects, being observed by mentors, and filling out documents to prove that you can teach.)
10. Finally, you get your clear credential. (It doesn't mean you won't lose your job next year since the budget cut is increasing and you are low on the seniority list.)
I couldn't help but wondering the alleged teacher's long day's journey into night. Before teacherization, what was her story when she got involved in exotic films? What did she have to overcome to arrive at teacher land? Did she say or do inappropriate things in class? Was she a good teacher? Did she care about making a difference in students' lives? Did she have a chance to stand up for herself upon job termination?
We all have to answer to the decisions we made in the past. Along the way, we learn, and we move on to find ourselves new beginnings. One day, I hope my children will understand there is no need to be afraid or ashamed of your past. It makes you who you are today. What matters is how you will live your life from now on. What matters is how you can make tomorrow a better day.
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